Amusing movie about the history of crime in the largest slum in Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha, emphasizing the life of the first female narcotics leader, who also wrote the book in which the film is based. There are many qualities besides the interesting story. Good direction and edition provide a pace which allow developping well the charcters and events and also attracting spectators' attention throughout the movie. It is also visually nice, using well different filters, lights, fog, sometimes emulating the 80s in a vintage way, in others showing pink and néon in a stylish crime girl power look. I liked a lot each segment portraying Rebecca's life since childhood, with class and patriarchy blows, all crime and drug lords with their unique traits, the way African Brazilian religion crossed personal relations, the connetion between crime and police along decades, the remarkable and unusual music score choices. To resume, I must add that the movie is considerably light given the great violence and serious social issues which are depicted and not hidden.