I've seen tons of bad movies, from "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" to "A Talking Cat!?!". I love watching imfamous, low-budget films of all sorts. It's sort of a hobby of mine. Ghost Goggles is definitely not one of the "it's so bad it's good" ones, that's for sure. It belongs in the trash heap. It actually was in Walmart's "trash heap" $5 bin only a month after it's release in stores.
From the first minute of this movie, you can tell it's going to be terrible. In fact, everything about this movie is dreadful! The sound, the editing, the "plot" (which makes no sense and is all over the place), the music, the makeup, the actors, and of course the god awful acting. The whole frickin' movie, start to finish is a disaster! The characters are also unlikable and the villian (played by a creepy looking guy named, Frezno or something) will give you pedo vibes. There's also some inappropriate humor and tons of language in this film which is clearly aimed at children. Parents, never trust a movie that isn't rated no matter how childish the cover is! If this movie was rated it would probably be PG-13. My words of wisdom for you? Stay as far away as you can from "Ghost Googles"!