"A Costa Rican Wedding" is an endearing romantic comedy that offers a delightful mix of beautiful scenery and an engaging, light-hearted storyline. The film stars Rhiannon Fish and Christopher Russell, who bring a genuine and warm chemistry to their roles, making the romance both believable and enjoyable to watch. Fish's character, Emily, a clumsy and sometimes ditsy bridesmaid, finds herself in a series of amusing misadventures, managing to lose just about everything. Even the bride's mother, played by the wonderfully funny Maureen Kedes, can't help but be skeptical of Emily's antics, adding an extra layer of comedy to the film. Kedes' performance stands out as she effortlessly balances humor with a touch of warmth, making her character both relatable and memorable. Overall, "A Costa Rican Wedding" is a fun, easy-to-watch movie that provides plenty of laughs and a feel-good experience for anyone looking to escape into a charming romantic comedy.