Wow. Where to start is a challenge. Let's start with acting- the lead actress was well below average- cardboard like- no emotion. The 'park ranger' also was sophomoric. I found myself laughing at everything he said and did. The actors who played Chris and Rachel were better, we felt like the actress who played Rachel should have had the lead role and the actress who played the lead should have had the Rachel role.
The writing was sooooo lacking. Let's talk first about the lack of reality in the injury situations. Chris falls 100 feet onto solid rock and miraculously walks away a few minutes later. Guess it was only a flesh wound. Rachel gets shot through the abdomen and after laying- bleeding out- for most of a day, patches herself with a first aid kit and not only walks away but builds a fire and then is able to walk away with Shae as they escape the park ranger. Wow. In the land of make believe I guess anything is possible.
Now let's think a minute about Shae's response to her baby daddy being missing in the desert as night approaches. She says they should go to Larry's house to see what ideas he might have. But first, she says, she needs to stop by her house and clean up. So she takes a leisurely shower while the park ranger goes through her underwear. After the shower they go to Larry's house where he grills steaks for all of them (that seems to be the only idea Larry comes up with during the movie.) While having steak and drinking beer, they don't come up with anything in the way of a plan. And Shae would probably have shown more emotion if it were her dog that was lost in the desert.
I was tickled as I read the two reviews that gave the movie 10/10 ratings. They sounded too stock and too glowing to have been real. When I looked them up it was the first review either one of them had ever posted on IMDB. It could be coincidence, but methinks I smell a rat.