Very relevant today with all the talk and real time news of a cyber threat to national elections and the ramifications of infiltration of a foreign government to sway the vote towards the foreign governments candidates, sound familiar? We introduce our "hero" Clint Wu (Harry Han) and his very pregnant wife Sara Wu (Liz Cha) as they navigate the cyber space attempting to foster truth in a very untruthful world, with one side incredibly evil and will do anything to further their agendas, and the other side (the good) trying as they can to open up the evidences and expose the lies and tell the truth. Lots of intrigue, danger, cyber hacking, data mining and election interference abound in this taught well acted and executed thriller. You don't need a bunch of guns or explosions to do very bad stuff in cyber space, just a laptop or desktop and the skill. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language. You truly get to know and feel for all the characters, even the evil ones who must follow orders or else. Ok for the entire family, a bit technical in parts so be computer savvy. Enjoy!