James Bird's "Honeyglue" is an effective experimental narrative film that interwoven animation with live storytelling. Androgyny reigns as gender roles are flipped and reversed to make a statement on style and personal expression.
An unlikely romance blooms when Jordan (Zach Villa), a purse snatching cross dresser artist, meets Morgan (Adriana Mather) a conservative middle class girl, under unusual circumstances.
Base on the vast differences of both characters, initial perception predicts that this ill conceived relationship is doomed from the get go. Yet, during the many trials and tribulation both Morgan and Jordan suffer in their own worlds, they manage to keep the "glue" alive and well whenever they met until life throws a curve-ball that will ultimately, and in an untimely manner, turn this love story into a contemporary Romeo & Juliet with many twists in between.
In what can be best described as an Annie Lennox kind of wedding, in a very unorthodox way, the couple exchange nuptials with alternative descriptions of their relationship as the ceremony and events succeeding the ceremony trumps traditional vows.
This is a very ambitious film that seeks to mix many unrelated themes and stories, and to the fortune of the film, director James Birds succeed at making it all work.
The Main actors deliver solid performances in between a series of superlatively artful animation sequences with screen live action visuals to be credited courtesy of cinematographer Stefan Colson.