This is a really fun short by first time director Bettina Bilger. The film uses unique locations and scenery to give the authentic feel of New York without using the iconic yet overplayed locations we usually see in NYC based films. The story partially takes place during a massive storm but the real whirlwind happens inside the building. The story centers around Melissa, played by Bettina Bilger, as she maneuver's her way through different relationships with her supportive friends, one of who is the vivacious, Kelly Tuohy . Bettina's comedic timing was spot on without being exhausting. A crazy neighbor and his mother, played by a convincingly creepy Paul Krasner, is the perfect juxtaposition to the very charming Mark, played by Randall McFadden both who keep Bilger, darting in and out of the apartment. Highly recommend if it's showing near you.