Remedy's Max Payne games are still a high point for the genre and they have been on a slight decline ever since. Quantum Break is better than Alan Wake's: American Nightmare but they again put production values over everything else. I would have preferred less motion blur during the calmer segments and a reduced grain filer but the audiovisual quality of the game can't be denied. The same goes for most of the set-pieces but the game reuses a lot of locations and thus feels a bit "small". The shooting and enemy variety could have been better as i was just going through the motions despite finishing the game on hard. The game ultimately stands and fall with the narrative / presentation and it is as expensive as it is forgettable. I had fun following along but predicted every plot point and don't expect to remember much, despite the high amount of flavor text. The branching paths have no real effect on the game and the packed in 4 TV episodes left me cold for the most part. The .hack series did the same trick over a decade ago with the slightly forgettable companion OVAs but these at least had production values. I can 100% recommend the game for the spectacle of it all but hope for less formula and tighter gameplay for the developer's next offering. 7,5/10