Here is a movie that irresponsibly glamorises all the tragic ills that are currently costing societies around the globe billions of dollars in mental and physical health support for: deadly substance abuse, sexual diseases, inane violence etc. This movie works only as a denouement of every aspect of mainstream movie making - the writers, producers, directors, actors and distributors - everyone has something to be totally ashamed of. The reviews posted from those genuine audiences who handed over their money to see this - clearly state they came away wishing they had known better (that they had been cheated) - that's a terrible result for the entire industry and in the long run will eventually work against it. You cannot continually disappoint audiences and expect that they will support or respect you. This trash fest should never have progressed beyond the bad idea's dept. Made, distributed and presented by immoral movie handlers of below average intelligence - for a likewise audience.
Australian Foxtel please note: This is R material, not MA with a simple I rating. Time to get it right and supply your subscribers with an intelligent and HONEST assessment of the material you're presenting. If you want our respect, you won't win it with wildly inaccurate ratings for shoddy, irresponsible material like this and others that you're filling the airwaves with of late. There was once a time (fortunately some still do) when companies had the courage to make an internal decision to forgo profiting from pollution but sadly, Foxtel seems not to be amongst them.