This was a thought-provoking video that may be a wake-up call for some. When you see a homeless person on the street, have you ever wondered where they came from or how they became homeless? Do you look at them with distaste or pity, or perhaps, just divert your eyes so as not to cast shame or judgment on them? Did you ever stop to think that this same person may have at one time been in good fortune, with a family and all the comforts of a fine home? Even the destitute have their story to tell. I have worked in a major city where many are homeless and living on the streets. I also know that some pose as homeless and beg for money in affluent neighborhoods, preying on the kindness of and sympathy of others. I hope this video causes people to think twice about how they may be prejudice to others based on appearances. I would hope that most people would be more courteous to the homeless man in this video, and would not be so quick to insult him or be rude to him as was the role of the actress. Until you walk a mile in my shoes (or barefoot as in the movie), you should not criticize. I think the movie does an excellent job of inspiring the audience to reflect on their perceptions of others, and how they treat people based on these perceptions. Kudos to Royce Henry and Brittney Level for their believable portrayals of these characters.