I struggled a bit with this movie at first, but it kind of grows on you.
This film is highly stylized, so if art films are something you enjoy, you will probably fall in love with it faster than I did.
Although this is not the type of film I typically enjoy, I found myself drawn in as it progressed from awkward character driven drama into a surrealist comedy.
For me, this was very reminiscent of French films, Amelie and Delicatessen, with a few nods to The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover thrown in for good measure.
Credit to the set designers, cinematographers, and editors for giving this movie such a consistent and immersive feel on what I suspect was a fairly limited budget. The actors and writers also deserve praise for pulling together what could have been an unwatchable mess if not sold properly and instead creating an intriguing film.
While the nihilistic humor, absurdist storyline, and darker feel of this movie might not be to everyone's tastes, everyone should still be able to appreciate what its makers accomplished. They took what was a difficult vision to execute and, without the benefit of a massive budget, created something special and entertaining.