"Jem and Holograms" is just a bad, freakin move. I can't put it simpler than that.In case you're wondering, I grew up on the Hasbro produced cartoon int he 80's, it was great, cool songs, fun fashion and funky characters, and contrary to popular belief, they did tackle some issues, like drug abuse, post traumatic combat disorder, absentee fathers, love triangles, sexual identity, jealousy, etc. Damn good cartoon. All of this makes the movie such an incredible disappointment!
Just on it's own this movie blows chunks, we start of with shaky cam, and we get this again and again. Then we are introduced to Jem, unfortunately Audrey Peeples has the charisma of a limp carrot. Sorry, but that hurts. What follows from director Chu, who apparently never met a scene he didn't like, is boring, boring and well, boring. There's no reason to care about this, the message goes against the very concept of the plot. Synergy, a rather cool holographic babe on the cartoon, is reduced to a cheesy looking 80's style robot from Kenner!! One horrendous scene has Jem and girls harmonizing for Rio, this develops into nothing,but goes on for like 20 minutes!!!
Seriously this movie hurt my brain, it literally made me sick, it is the cinematic equivalent off root canal. Didn't anyone ever hear of editing!? 2hrs to tell this story !?!?!? SO much of this movie is WTF, but I did give it 3 or 10. Why u might ask? Juliette Lewis as Erica Raymond nails her character, she's spot on snarky and the only fun character in the flick. Plus there is a entertaining cameo that pops up in the middle of the credits. Alos,well they did get the names right...