Generally speaking and if you have seen some of my other reviews, you know that I sometimes tend to be or rate generously. That being said, I have to admit that I may be a bit more biased this time around. But having been at conventions and having met certain people, brings that "risk". Remember, behind every movie there are people who have put their blood and sweat into making something that they hope will entertain you.
And if you are able to cut this some slack (I don't know what the budget was, but I can only imagine it was quite low), the cinematography and the special effects (the few that this actually has) are more than well done. Now acting wise, there are some ups and downs. I personally wasn't too fond of the "wife" myself and there are other moments where it seems that certain people have a hard time to convey their dialog. The man behind this all though, does a really good job juggling his many roles. And I for one think he does more than a decent job in front of the camera too.
Now as I've already established, I may be considering the people who appear in this in a certain way, that you or others who watch this may not feel inclined to do. But as you have the right to not care about those making independent movies like this one, I feel quite differently about a thing like that.
So while I recognize a certain imbalance in the acting department (I dug some more than others for sure), it did not take away from the overall entertainment the movie was able to provide. Yes this is not a masterpiece, but it is also way better than the current rating suggests - at least in my humble opinion.