The Grey Lady sets out to confuse and mystify, and achieves that spectacularly. Am I sorry I watched it? NO. If one does not occasionally view, or suffer through poorly written movies, one will not feel the extreme pleasure of a 9 or 10. Having watched with some intent, mainly because I was trying to understand the background to the storyline, unsuccessfully I might add, it served its purpose of being something to watch.
Set in Nantucket one begins to wonder why that location. Perhaps the isolation and smaller population fits the bill for the unfolding of an erratic and at times nonsensical set of events that would be ridiculous in a city setting.
Full of cliches, sudden attraction between characters, irrational art purchases, and an anti out of town cop police chief, who retracts his anti feelings in hindsight. A fairly wooden acting performance by many,
or most, cast members.
I came, I saw, I watched. I now have a lowish bar against which I can judge other movies.