Stumbling upon the 2015 horror movie "Trace" by random luck here in 2024, and thus opting to sit down to watch it, since it was a horror movie that I had neither seen nor heard about.
Writer and director Ryan Brookhart put together a fair enough script and storyline for the movie. It does incorporate some rather generic supernatural tropes, but it ultimately proved to be adequately entertaining nonetheless.
I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, and that is something I actually do enjoy when I sit down to watch a movie. The cast ensemble in "Trace" was good, and they performed quite well in bringing the characters and storyline to life on the screen.
"Trace" wasn't a movie that made use of an abundance of special effects or CGI, but it hardly needed so in order to effectively tell its story. There were some effects, and they certainly worked out well enough to further the narrative of the movie.
It is an adequate enough movie for a single viewing, particularly if you have an interest in EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). And while I did sit through 90 minutes that the movie ran for, I doubt that I will ever return to watch it a second time. Why? Well, simply because the storyline and script doesn't have the contents to support multiple viewings.
My rating of writer and director Ryan Brookhart's 2015 horror movie "Trace" lands on a five out of ten stars.