Richard and Dallas narrate a show about doing Stupid things on Social media and then analysing the science behind the stupidity. And you know if the show had proper metric conversions instead of sometimes using metric and mostly using imperial measurements this show could be shown during science classes for the high school kids in metric countries as education. Whats better than reading a science text book is watching a real life examples of science in action, if only it had the metric conversions Dallas sometimes alternates between imperial and metric conversions which would confuse the students in Australia. Im watching this show part of the Nat Geo Australia channel and sometimes i feel that feeling ive seen the video clips too many times before, like a week ago and yes there is allot repetitive film clips when Dallas is narrating and i don't think the series order is being followed its all random episodes and you can pick the first 2 episodes the Dallas had done as he looks quite nervous taking over Richards role. In summary Science of stupid Its Funny home video show, meets the best of social media videos, meets social media commentary meets science i wish it had metric conversions cause it could be shown at science class so for that i give the show 7/10.