The tale of two young girls who hear moaning in the night from their parents bedroom, and begin theorizing the events they see when peeking through a keyhole.
I saw this film thanks to a local showing as part of The Manhattan Short Film Festival. Of the ten films, this film was presented as the most comedic entry, and certainly there were some chuckles from the audience. But I found the dialog of children, and there oh-so- adorableness slightly off-putting. The exchanges are cute, that cannot be denied, but it felt somehow too-cutesy. And the ending, a pay off for a laugh, received only an eye-roll from me.
It's important to not take this movie seriously to enjoy it. I feel that if you're entertained by old episodes of Americas Funniest Home Videos, or Kids say the Darnedest Things, you'll love this short. If you find these shows tiring, you may feel the same of Dad in Mum.