It was really good, and really bad. With a limited budget, some good kid stars (under 25), poor adult stars (over 30) this was a mishmash of conspiracy plot lines involving fabulously good looking female zombies, really stupid kids, "diggers" (sewer workers), and an assortment of world order conspirators. This series plodded along through trial and error to a what could conceivably be called an ending. Without giving away the ending of the first season, of course you have to know they gave it one that could terminate the series if not picked up, but with enough of a hanger to keep going if funded. My vote is, with the same writers and production company, forget it. With a new writing team, production funding, and change in some of the characters it could make it as much as other regionally successful shows of this ilk. It is hard to give this a review without giving spoilers left and right. Needless to say, the bad guys were bad all the time. The good guys weren't really all that good or gained our sympathy. When folks died, both good and bad, you were sort of relieved to see them go along with their bad acting and really crappy personalities.. The longer you watched, the more you waited for everyone to get knocked off and just watched to see how it would be done. The characters may have reacted the way Russian youth of the ages of 18-23 would have acted, but not in America. They were self possessed, argumentative, fighting each other, scared to death all the time so badly even when threatened by catatonic zombies they couldn't defend themselves, and totally type cast. Even heroic deeds among them didn't redeem their personalities or make you feel for them when they died, or did something good. You just had a feeling of relief and sighed an "oh well." It is not worth recommending unless you like zombie pictures with a dose of world order conspiracy thrown in. But be warned, you will sit through it thinking of how you would have written that scene, dialog, shot, back drop, character reaction, lighting and everything else.