I knew about this from the beginning, when information first started seeping out around 2006, and there has already been a number of documentaries made about it, but none so clearcut and objectively detached as this. This is no propaganda film but rather the contrary, a debunking of all Chinese propaganda, scientifically depriving the regime of China the ground it's standing on with every shred of credibility rendered null and void. At the same time it's like the revelation of an almost science fiction-like absurd reality, where all control has been lost.
Well, they started using fresh organs from a prisoner or two who would be executed anyway, it paid off, it proved practical and opportune, so they just continued, and gradually it grew into an industry; but in such a large country with the world's greatest population, when such a system is spread, it becomes impossible to fathom it and control it - it becomes a derailed monster of a Juggernaut, which in these proportions dwarfs the Holocaust system of Nazi Germany and even the Soviet Gulag archipelago.
Just one item of statistics is enough to give an overwhelming picture of the whole thing: according to recent statistics, there are between 60,000 and 100,000 organ transplantation operations being performed every year, but approximately ten such operations are needed before the organ works in the new body, which means that about ten organs are wasted for each operation, but every organ comes from a live body, that is sacrificed, mainly of Falun Gong practitioners locked up in hospitals and concentration camps, or Tibetans, or Uighurs, or Christians, or Buddhists or Taoists or anyone with a spiritual view of life, opposing the communist atheist materialistic ideology of the regime. It could be the worst case of inhumanity in history, and it has accelerated ever since it started.