Many can find this movie boring and meaningless. This is not a Hollywood film nor it includes Americanesque elements. So I don't expect an ordinary American viewer will find it interesting. But I found it super interesting on the contrary. To me, it touches the life itself. The life of millions in the rural part of Turkey. I found it so real. That teacher who wants to return back to city and who watch porn with his big satellite is so real. That "foulmouthed schoolboy figure" is so real. Aslan is so real. We see the inner forces acting in him and conflicts between those forces. We are witnessing his first steps outside of innocent childhood. He starts to feel a semiconscious sexual awakening. He has mercy but he feel the desire to be powerful and fierce. He is selected as one of the dwarfs but he wants to be the prince of his princess Ayse. He tries to find something to attach and be valuable with it; liked by others with it, especially by his love Ayese. I found the fate of the dog and Aslan is similar. They born into a world which they have to fight and be brutal in order to survive. I think every male feels that forces in himself, the desire to be successful to beat all your opponents,, this is your only way to be accepted and liked by females, it is part of nature. It's same the for the dog Sivas and for protagonist Aslan.