Director Nathan Silver has created a remarkable cinematic achievement with this film. It's a tight intense comedic drama that explores interpersonal relations and examines different characters places within a group dynamic. The entire cast gives wonderful performances that transcends conventional dramatic linearity and instead express deeper aspects of existence. The film functions as a mirror or a window through which the spectator can see deeper truths regarding group harmony versus individual distress and the performative sides to different forms of living ones life.
The cinematography works great in how it explores and disseminates individuals as well as the collective relationships and the performances from the actors, who are phenomenal over all. The use of music works really great as well.
Nathan Silver has created something really special with this form of artistic expression. Especially in how he manages to infuse the tragedy of this particular commune with loads of humour, all while maintaining a mood that's both lucid and surreal at the same time. He's without a doubt one of the most interesting directors working in American cinema today. I sense that he has the possibility to make a veritable masterpiece in his future.