- I didn't like dancing in Canada. The managers of the clubs treated me as less than a cow. And Canadians don't tip so you have to ask for more base pay.
- [on rumors that she was addicted to drugs during her layoff from porn circa 2001] I know everyone has said that I like to have a good time and everything and it's true that I do but the rumors that I am a drug addict are 100% unfounded and not true.
- [on her career as a stripper] You don't spend your money while you're making it. You don't have time. It's also nice to work every day rather than once every couple of months as when I do movies.
- [on how she got into the adult industry] I went to college in Florida. While there, I broke my shoulder blade in a car accident. I had been working in hospitality management in hotels and bars and my roommate was dancing. I was faced with the decision, do I want to go home or do I want to stay in Florida? Which was easy, I wanted to stay in Florida! I guess it wasn't that hard to dance.
- I went to High School and grew up in North Carolina, graduated in 1989 went to college in Florida. I had a pretty average upbringing. My great, great grandpa was Henry Clay who ran for President five times and may or may not have been on the radical side, I don't know if that explains anything about me or not (laughs). I always thought my Grandpa was big into the Free Masons which he wasn't he was in an organization even older than that and every time I'd ask what it was about they'd be like "What do you wanna know about Grampa's secret little meetings, go find something else to do girl" (laughs). My Grandma was also an Eastern Star which was the women's masonry and all I can tell you is we had a LOT of bake sales!
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