- Thank to his acquaintanceship with Leni Riefenstahl he was engaged by her for several film projects, for "Triumph des Willens" (34) for the first time.
- He set a new speed record on skis with more than 105 kph and became an academic world champion in the discipline downhill.
- He only stopped skiing at the age of 88.
- He also won the silver medal in slalom at the Olympic Games of 1936.
- From 1940 to 1945, Guzzi Lantschner's name frequently appeared in the list of war correspondents for the Deutsche Wochenschau.
- Besides his activity as an actor and cinematographer he also realised few movies as a director for which he also wrote the screenplay.
- The actor, cinematographer and skier Guzzi Lantschner began his career as a ski racer at the end of the 20s.
- Guzzi Lantschner became a cinematographer and he averted impressive pictures to the big screen for "Tag der Freiheit - Unsere Wehrmacht" (1935) and especially for the legendary documentary "Olympia" (1938) directed by Leni Riefenstahl. For both movies he was also active as a cutter.
- Because of his talent in skiing he was also engaged as an actor for some movies at a time when the Bergfilm became very popular. His first appearance in front of the camera was for "Stürme über dem Mont Blanc" (30), it followed other movies like "Der weisse Rausch" (1931) with Leni Riefenstahl, "Abenteuer im Engadin" (1932), "Nordpol - Ahoi!/Hoppla - wir beide!" (1934) and "Rivalen der Luft" (1934).
- He made the movie "Cancion de la nieve" (1954), which he realised during a several year lasting stay in Argentina and in which he also appeared as an actor .
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