On October 27, 2000, Anthony Lee attended a Halloween costume party which was held at a residence known as "The Castle" (9701 Yoakum Drive) in the Benedict Canyon section of Beverly Crest, Los Angeles. In response to two separate complaints of loud noises, the L.A.P.D. dispatched Officer Tarriel Hopper and his partner, Officer Natalie Humphreys, to the scene. They arrived shortly after midnight. The two officers made their way through the home, ultimately exiting at the rear onto a narrow walkway bordered by a dimly lit grotto with a small pool, looking for the party host. Officer Hopper noticed a lone male, standing in front of a set of glass doors peering intently into a bedroom. He approached near him and looked through the panes of the glass door when he saw three men standing in the room. One of them was Anthony Lee. Hopper turned on his flashlight and shined it into the room, observing what he thought to be a narcotics transaction in progress. According to officer, when Lee turned toward him, he withdrew what appeared to be a semi-automatic handgun from his waistband. As he pointed the gun at Hopper, the officer quickly removed his handgun and fired nine rounds at the actor through a window, causing his death. He was shot three times in the back and once in the back of the head. Lee probably thought the officer was a dressed party member. His gun turned out to be a replica of a .357 Magnum handgun that he had as a part of his Halloween costume.