Tadashi Naitô(III)
- Writer
- Actor
- Director
- 2019
- 2014
- Onna keibi-in: Masaguri junkai
- screenplay (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2013
- Katei kyôshi: Inbi yûwaku lesson
- screenplay (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2013
- 2012
- Hentai onna kachô: Ryôjoku buchikomu
- screenplay (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2012
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- Onna mandara: Shichinin no climax
- screenplay (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2003
- 2003
- 2002
- 2002
- Gishi-san no nureta futomomo
- screenplay
- 2001
- Hentai chôkyô: Hakui no umekigoe
- screenplay
- 2001
- Kaerenai san'nin: Kaikan wa owaranai
- Takayuki Amagi
- 2015
- Onna keibi-in: Masaguri junkai
- Kurosaki (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2013
- Hentai onna kachô: Ryôjoku buchikomu
- Takada (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 2012
- 2010
- Fushidara bojô: Shiro hada o nameru shita
- Middle-aged man
- 2007
- 2001
- No pan shabu shabu: kahanshin settai
- (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 1998
- I Want to Hear the Wind's Song
- Design School Teacher (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 1998
- Nure jiri okami no nebari jiru
- (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 1997
- 1981
- 1998
- T-back High School: Sekuhara kyoshi wo butotbase!
- Director (as Tadashi Naitoh)
- 1992
- Kamakiri aniyome: Kaburitsuki
- Director
- 1989
- 1988
- Monzetsu!! Shojo no Izumi
- Director
- 1988
- Alternative name
- Tadashi Naitoh
- Born
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