Frank Nendels
- Actor
Frank finished the Gymnasium-B at Heeswijk-Dinther (Bernrode) in 1974.
Studied psychology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen where he
graduated in 1984 (Drs.). Frank Nendels began a singer's career in 1978
in punk-rock band 'The Zeroes'. After leading the band into success, he
was invited into different rock bands. Finally he joined Dutch
heavy-metal band 'Exploder'. In 1990, Frank started acting at a young
age at school. From there on, he got small parts in Dutch TV-series and
commercials. Frank also did some acting in the Academy of Film
(Amsterdam, The Hague). Here he met Peter Howell, aka Allan Troy, who
contracted him for Bovver Boots, a London based special casting agency.
While acting for Bovver Boots, he was noticed by Snowshaft Agency, who
introduced him to Noel Davis. It was through this contact that Frank
got to play a part in Incognito, originally directed by Peter Weller.
Frank is married to Anita van Kempen, a Dutch artist on silk, and has two children, a boy (b.1992) and girl (b.1994).
Frank is married to Anita van Kempen, a Dutch artist on silk, and has two children, a boy (b.1992) and girl (b.1994).