Thys Ockersen
- Writer
- Director
- Producer
Thys Ockersen, born February 3rd in Amsterdam, attended a film-school,
the NFA, from 1965-1969 and graduated with the
fiction/instruction-short "Surprise Surprise" that won him a
Chicagostudent award in 1969. At the same moment when his picture was
shown on Dutch TV, it caused a much publicized riot when it showed the
cutting of an eye, a reenactment of a scene from Bunuels Chien Andalou.
Thys has made up till now about 50 documentaries, short films and was
involved in feature films. He was a film critic for the Amsterdam
newspapers NRC/Handelsblad and Het Parool and a film teacher at the
Rotterdam Artschool for about twelve years. He writes for several
magazines and runs a film society in his hometown Zandvoort. Recently
he started a documentary about the reconstruction of a woodcutting mill
which was demolished in 1942.