- Got his nick-name as a youngster when he was a member of a hockey team. They used to call him "Speed" or "Speedy" which shortened to "Spede".
- Drew cartoons for the paper "Ylioppilaslehti" in the fifties.
- Had his own joke column in the magazine "Koti-Posti" in the sixties.
- Besides making movies and TV series he was a well-known inventor,he invented famous Spede-Link (Spede Cat-pult) etc. He had a workshop at Finland. He also tried to invite the Perpetuum mobile (Perpetual motion) without success. That period ended up on some of his jokes at TV.
- The CD "Pure nenääs" (Bite Your Nose) which includes his all remaining "Parrot G. Pula-aho" sketches from 1961 to 1964 became an uneven smash hit when published in early 2002.
- Wrote two books, "Papukaija G. Pula-ahon seikkailut" (The Adventures of the Parrot G. Pula-aho) and "Speedy Gonzales". The first one was based on his radio sketches, the latter one on his feature film.
- Played Don Quijote in a ballet same name in 1960.
- Acted in short film and TV commercials in the fifties and seventies.
- Was also known as an inventor, who has got several patented inventions.
- As popular as he was in TV comedy branch, Pasanen made one flop in 1973, the show called "Robin Hood". The show was cancelled after the first episode.
- Father of Pirre Pasanen.
- Brother of Virpi Torri
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