Camil Petrescu(1894-1957)
- Writer
Born in Bucharest on April 22, 1884, Camil Petrescu loose his both
parents early in his life and is raised by a relative. Very poor, he
learn assiduously, work to support himself, and late, at age of 29 is a
student at the Philosophy University in Bucharest. In 1916, sent to the
front in WWI, is wounded and taken prisoner by the Austro - Hungarians.
Released in 1918, he described his war experience in his 1930 novel
"Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi" (the Last Night of
Love, the First Night of War), and 1933 novel "Patul lui Procust"
(Procust's Bed). Teacher in Timisoara, director of National Theater in
Bucharest, member of Academy since 1947. Dies on May 14, 1957 in