- (1974) Play: "El criat de dos amos", by Carlo Goldoni. Dir. Esteve Polls.
- (1976) Play: "Tirant lo Blanc", by Joanot Martorell. Dir. Josep Anton Codina.
- (1976) Play: "Don Juan Tenorio", by José Zorrilla. Dir. Damià Barbany, Francesc Bellmunt, Jordi Dodero, Mario Gas, Jordi Mesalles and Juanjo Puigcorbé.
- (1977) Play: "El dia més foll", by Peter Turrini. Dir. Josep Anton Codina.
- (1977) Play: "Les noces de Fígaro", by Caron de Beaumarchais. Dir. Josep Anton Codina.
- (1977) Play: "Las bodas del hojalatero", by John Millington Synge. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1978) Play: "Enrique IV", by Luigi Pirandello. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1981 - 1982) Play: "Doña Rosita la soltera", by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Jorge Lavelli.
- (1983) Play: "Urfaust", by Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Dir. Ricard Salvat.
- (1984 - 1985) Play: "L'òpera de tres rals", by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1986) Play: "Madre Coraje y sus hijos", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Lluís Pasqual.
- (1987) Play: "La balada de Calamity Jane", by Maria do Ceu Guerra and Helder Costa. Dir: Helder Costa.
- (1989 - 1990) Play: "Dancing!", by Helder Costa. Dir. Helder Costa.
- (1990) Play: "Les tres germanes", by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Pierre Romans.
- (1991) Play: "L'hort dels cirerers", by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Konrad Zschiedrich.
- (1992) Play: Directed "Ja no hi ha tramvies", by Anton Chekhov.
- (1992 - 1993) Play: "El temps i els Conway", by J.B. Priestley. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1992) Staged Reading: "La mort i la donzella", by Ariel Dorfman. Dir. Josep Costa.
- (1993 - 1994) Play: "Golfus de Roma", by Stephen Sondheim, Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1993) Concert: "Some Enchanted Evening", by Irving Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, Cole Porter, and Stephen Sondheim. Dir. Josep Pons.
- (1994 - 1995) Plays: "Otel·lo", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1995) Play: "Sweeney Todd", by Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler and Christopher Bond. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1995) Benefit Concert: "Mulla't. El concert de tardor".
- (1995) Staged Reading: "Cel", by Lluïsa Cunillé. Dir. Xavier Albertí.
- (1997) Staged Reading: "Hijos de la niebla", by Roger Justafré. Dir. Ignasi Garcia.
- (1997 - 1998) Play: "Sweeney Todd", by Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler and Christopher Bond. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1998) Play: "Guys and Dolls", by Damon Runyon, Frank Loesser, Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1998 - 2000) Play: "La reina de bellesa de Leenane", by Martin McDonagh. Dir. Mario Gas (also adaptation).
- (1998) Tribute: "Brecht x Brecht: 1898-1998". Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1999) Tribute: "Homenatge a Ramon Teixidor".
- (1999) Special Performance: "100 poemas para 100 años". Dir. Mario Gas.
- (1999 - 2000) Play: "Música per als contes de la Vella Dama: Història de Babar i el primer concert de l'Osset Paddington", by Jean de Brunhoff and Michael Bond. Dir. Elisa Crehuet.
- (2000) Special Performance: "8 solos: Vicky Peña".
- (2000 - 2001) Play: "A Little Night Music", by Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2001 - 2002) Play: "La Mare Coratge i el seus fills", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2002) Play: "Edipo XXI", by Sophocles, Euripides, Esquilo and Jean Genet. Dir. Lluís Pasqual.
- (2002) Play: "Cabaret literari", by Mario Gas. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2003) Special Performance: "Paraules contra la guerra". Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2003) Play: "Electra", by Sophocles. Dir. Antonio Simón.
- (2003 - 2010) Play: "Al llarg del Kurt", by Kurt Weill and Damià Barbany. Dir. Damià Barbany and Vicky Peña.
- (2004) Special Performance: "Voces contra el poder: Más allá de la oscuridad", by Ariel Dorfman. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2004 - 2005) Play: "La Orestíada", by Esquilo. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2004) Special Performance: "50 voces para Don Juan", by José Zorrilla. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2004) Play: "Un crani a Connemara", by Martin McDonagh. Dir. Mario Gas. Teatre Bartrina, Reus.
- (2006) Play: "Els estiuejants", by Maxim Gorki. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2006) Play: "Dies feliços", by Samuel Beckett. Dir. Roger Peña and Vicky Peña.
- (2006) Benefit Gala: "Dóna a la dona índia".
- (2007 - 2008) Play: "Homebody/Kabul", by Tony Kushner. Dir. Mario Gas.
- (2007 - 2008) Play: "Après moi, le déluge", by Lluïsa Cunillé. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2008 - 2009) Play: "Sweeney Todd", by Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler and Christopher Bond. Dir. Mario Gas.
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