- (1906 - 1949) Active on Broadway in the following productions:
- (1906) Stage Play: Bedford's Hope. Melodrama.
- (1912) Stage Play: The Master of the House.
- (1914) Stage Play: Consequences.
- (1916) Stage Play: Upstairs and Down. Written by Fanny Hatton and Frederic Hatton. Cort Theatre: 25 Sep 1916- Jul 1917 (closing date unknown/320 performances). Cast: Roberta Arnold, Orlando Daly, Juliette Day, Arthur Elliott, Courtenay Foote, Adoni Fovieri, Paul Harvey, Alfred Hesse, William MacDonald, Christine Norman, Mary Servoss, Ida St. Leon, Fred Tiden. Produced by Oliver Morosco. Note: Filmed by Selznick Pictures Corporation [distributed by Select Pictures Corporation as A Star Series Attraction] as Upstairs and Down (1919).
- (1918) Stage Play: Watch Your Neighbor. Written by Leon Gordon [earliest Broadway credit] and LeRoy Clemens. Booth Theatre: 2 Sep 1918- Oct 1918 (closing date unknown/48 performances). Cast: LeRoy Clemens, Edward Colebrook, John De Briac, Fred Esmelton [final Broadway role], Charles Fisher, Leon Gordon, Ruby Hallier, Stanley Harrison, Emil Hoch, Alexander Loftus, Bertram Marburgh, Dodson Mitchell, Gerald Pring, Dore Rogers, Mary Servoss, Gayne Whitman [credited as Harold Vosburgh]. Produced by Oliver Morosco.
- (1922) Stage Play: The Merchant of Venice. Comedy (revival). Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by David Belasco. Lyceum Theatre: 21 Dec 1922- 6 Mar 1923 (92 performances). Cast: Julia Adler (as "Jessica, Shylock's daughter"), A.E. Anson (as "Duke of Venice"), Horace Braham (as "Lorenzo, gentleman of Venice"), Henry Brown (as "Page"), Albert Bruning (as "Tubal, an associate of Shylock"), Edward Crandall (as "Leonardo, servant to Bassanio"), Ward DeWolfe (as "Jester"), Mary Ellis (as "Nerissa, Portia's waiting gentle-woman") [Broadway debut], Reginald Goode (as "Solanio, friend of Antonio"), Herbert Grimwood (as "Prince of Morocco"), Charles Harbury (as "Balthasar, servant to Portia"), Nick Long (as "Court Clerk"), Ian Maclaren (as "Antonio, a merchant of Venice"), Fuller Mellish (as "Old Gobbo, Launcelot's father"), Philip Merivale (as "Bassanio, friend of Antonio"), W.I. Percival (as "Gratiano, gentleman of Venice"), Herbert Ranson (as "Salarino, friend of Antonio"), Mary Servoss (as "Portia, an heiress in Belmont"), Morris Strassberg (as "Chus"), Percival Vivian (as "Launcelot Gobbo, servant to Shylock"), David Warfield (as "Shylock, a Jewish moneylender"), Edward H. Wever (as "Stephano, servant to Portia"). Produced by David Belasco.
- (1924) Stage Play: Tiger Cats. Comedy/tragedy.
- (1927) Stage Play: Behold the Bridegroom.
- (1929) Stage Play: Street Scene. Written by Elmer Rice. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Directed by Elmer Rice. Playhouse Theatre: 10 Jan 1929- Jun 1930 (closing date unknown/601 performances). Cast: Astrid Allwyn (as "College Girl/Nursemaid"), Joseph Baird, Beulah Bondi (as "Emma Jones"), Samuel S. Bonnell (as "Ice Man/Interne/Passer-By"), Horace Braham (as "Samuel Kaplan"), Hilda Bruce, Leo Bulgakov (as "Abraham Kaplan"), John Cambridge, Joe Cogert, Josephine Coghlan, Jane Corcoran, Glenn Coulter, John Crump, Edward Downes, Mary Emerson, Otto Frederick, Frederica Going, Francis F. Golden, Elizabeth Goodyear, Millicent Green (as "Mae Jones"), Russell Griffin, Emily Hamill, George Humbert, Ellsworth Jones, John Kelly, Robert Kelly, Ann Kostant [credited as Anna Kostant], Joseph Lee, Rose Lerner, Alexander Lewis, Herbert Lindholm, Robert Mack, T.H. Manning, Ed A. McHugh, Matt McHugh (as "Vincent Jones"), Carl C. Milter, Nelly Neil, Erin O'Brien-Moore, Anthony Pawley, Edward Pawley, John Qualen (as "Carl Olsen"), Ruth Randolph, Mary Servoss (as "Anna Moran"), Jean Sidney, Eileen Smith, Jean Sydney, Benn Trivers, Conway Washburne, Eleanor Wesselhoeft, Ralph Willard. Produced by William A. Brady, Ltd. Note: Filmed by United Artists (Producer: Samuel Goldwyn) as Street Scene (1931).
- (1931) Stage Play: Hamlet. Tragedy (revival). Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Norman Bel Geddes. Broadhurst Theatre: 5 Nov 1931- Nov 1931 (closing date unknown/28 performances). Cast: Jerome Andrews (as "Poisoner"), Gloria Braggiotti (as "Lady"), Gladys Burch (as "Lady"), George Carr (as "First Gravedigger"), Guy Collins (as "Gentleman"), George Cotton (as "Francisco, an Officer"), Tom Dougall (as "Gentleman"), James Duffus (as "Gentleman"), Helene Frederic (as "Lady"), John Glenn (as "Page"), Edith Gresham (as "Lady"), Ilse Gronau (as "Player Queen"), Clifford Heckinger (as "Second Gravedigger"), John Holmes (as "Player King"), David Horne (as "Claudius, King of Denmark"), Ernest Howard (as "Gentleman"), Stanley Howard (as "Gentleman"), Irving Jackson (as "Gentleman"), Celia Johnson (as "Ophelia, daughter to Polonius"), Wyman Kane (as "Page") [Broadway debut], Colin Keith-Johnston (as "Laertes, son to Polonius"), Leopold Lane (as "Gentleman"), Charles T. Lewis (as "Priest"), Marcia Linya (as "Lady"), Robert Lowing (as "Rosencrantz, a Courtier"), Raymond Massey (as "Hamlet, son to the late, and nephew to the present King"), H.H. McCollum (as "Marcellus, an Officer"), Burton McEvilly (as "Ghost"), Catherine Meredith (as "Lady"), John Daly Murphy (as "Polonius, Lord Chamberlain"), Leon Quartermaine (as "Horatio, friend to Hamlet"), Herbert Ranson (as "Player"), Kitty Reese (as "Lady"), Frank Rothe (as "Guildenstern, a Courtier"), Bernard Savage (as "Bernardo, an Officer"), Mary Servoss (as "Gertrude, Queen of Denmark and mother to Hamlet"), Sydney Smith (as "Page"), Edmund Tabell (as "Gentleman"), Felicia Terry (as "Lady"), L.M. Tice (as "Lady"), Anne Wessman (as "Lady"), Jack White (as "Page"), Edward Wright (as "Gentleman"). Produced by New York Producing Association Inc.
- (1932) Stage Play: Counsellor-at-Law. Drama (revival). Written by Elmer Rice. Directed by Elmer Rice. Plymouth Theatre (moved to The 46th Street Theatre from 15 May 1933- close): 12 Sep 1932- May 1933 (closing date unknown/120 performances). Cast: Sam Bonnell (as "John P. Tedesco"), Elmer Brown, Jack Collins, June Cox, John Crump, John Hammond Dailey, Dorothy Day, John Garfield (as "Henry Susskind") [credited as Jules Garfield], Ned Glass (as "David Simon"), Jane Hamilton, Angela Jacobs, Malka Kornstein, Jack Leslie, T.H. Manning, Harry Mervis, Sue Moore, Jennie Moscowitz, James Mullin, Paul Muni (as "George Simon"), Buddy Proctor, John M. Qualen, Mary Servoss (as "Cora Simon"), Ann Teeman, Doris Underwood, William Vaughn, David Vivian, Conway Washburne, Martin Wolfson (as "Harry Becker"), Victor Wolfson (as "A Tall Man"). Produced by Elmer Rice. Note: Filmed by Universal Pictures as Counsellor at Law (1933).
- (1932) Stage Play: Dangerous Corner. Drama. Written by J.B. Priestley. Directed by Elsa Lazareff. Cast: Jean Dixon (as "Freda Chatfield"), Cecil Holm (as "Gordon Whitehouse"), Colin Keith-Johnston (as "Robert Chatfield"), Stanley Ridges (as "Charles Stanton"), Barbara Robbins (as "Betty Whitehouse"), Mary Servoss (as "Olwen Peel"), Jane Wheatley (as "Maud Mockridge"). Produced by Harry Moses. Note: Filmed by Radio Pictures [later known as RKO-Radio Pictures] as Dangerous Corner (1934).
- (1934) Stage Play: Another Love. Comedy. Written by Jacques Deval. Translated by George Oppenheimer. Book adapted by George Oppenheimer. Directed by Milton Steifel. Vanderbilt Theatre: 19 Mar 1934- Apr 1934 (closing date unknown/16 performances). Cast: France Bendtsen (as "Uncle Emile"), Romaine Callender (as "Cesar Poustiano"), Suzanne Caubaye (as "Stassia Poustiano"), Alfred Corn (as "Etienne du Bois"), William Webb Robertson (as "M. Sasselin"), Mary Servoss (as "Simone du Bois"), Ethel Strickland, Raymond Walburn (as "Fernand du Bois"), Iris Whitney (as "Henriette"). Produced by Milton Stiefel and Frank Lewis.
- (1936) Stage Play: Hamlet. Tragedy (revival). Written by William Shakespeare. Incidental music by Virgil Thomson. Musical Direction by Hugh Davis. Directed by Leslie Howard. Directed in collaboration with John Houseman. Imperial Theatre: 10 Nov 1936- Dec 1936 (closing date unknown/39 performances). Cast: Leslie Howard (as "Hamlet, son to the late, and nephew to the present King"), Gay Adams, Wesley Addy (as "Marcellus, Officer"), Joan Adrian, John Barclay, Daphne Bayne, Bourn Blood, Richard Cameron, Albert Carroll, Richard Clayton, Clifford Evans, Paul Foster, Eugene Francis, Paul Genge, Denis Green, James Hayes, Janet Hill, Joseph Holland, George Ingham, Paul Jones, Stanley Lathbury, Henry Leonard, Eric Mansfield, Aubrey Mather, Mary Meyer, Hugh Norton, Richard Ogden, Winston O'Keefe (as "Guildenstern, Courtier"), John Parrish, Tileston Perry, Madelyn Phillips, Edward Potter, Keith Randall, Herbert Ranson, Alexander Scourby (as "Player King"), Mary Servoss (as "Gertrude, Queen of Denmark and mother to Hamlet"), Mary Shower, Toni Sorel, Hope Spingarn, Pamela Stanley, Philip Sudana, Daphne Sylva, Vernon Tanner, George Volk, Wilfrid Walter, O.Z. Whitehead (as "Second Gravedigger"), Arthur Zwerling. Produced by Leslie Howard.
- (1938) Stage Play: Tortilla Flat. Comedy. Written by Jack Kirkland, from the novel by John Steinbeck. Directed by Jack Kirkland. Henry Miller's Theatre: 12 Jan 1938- Jan 1938 (closing date unknown/5 performances). Cast: Peter Beauvis, Harry Bellaver (as "Pablo Sanchez"), Eddie Craven, Joseph Monneret De Villard, Samson Gordon, Robert Keith (as "Pilon"), Harold Moffet (as "Big Joe Portagee"), Erin O'Brien-Moore, Mark Schweid, Mary Servoss, Edward Woods (as "Danny") [final Broadway role]. Produced by Jack Kirkland and Sam H. Grisman.
- (1938) Stage Play: Dance Night. Written by Kenyon Nicholson. Scenic Design by Raymond Sovey. Directed by Lee Strasberg. Belasco Theatre: 14 Oct 1938- Oct 1938 (closing date unknown/3 performances). Cast: Lyle Bettger (as "Roy Titus") [Broadway debut], Mary Boylan (as "Miss Spangelman") [Broadway debut], Perry Bruskin (as "Claude Swayze"), Frances Carden (as "Midge Opdyke"), Richard Clayton (as "Marvin Kinney"), Del Cleveland (as "Buzz Johnson"), Bert Conway (as "Hobie Morgan"), Harry Cooke (as "Art Manson"), June Curtis (as "Dora Roach"), Gail De Hart (as "Leona Skillman"), Anthony Dwyer (as "Homer Diltz"), Terry Fay (as "Irma Lucas"), Melbourne Ford (as "Winfield Stout"), Lillian Green (as "Reba Clark"), Fred Herrick (as "Earl Hendricks"), Darthy Hinckley (as "Ruth Tabor"), Edward Hodge (as "Cliff Gantz"), Marian Leach (as "Arlene Hooper"), Edwin Mann (as "Wallace Tinsman"), Frank Maxwell (as "Leonard Kerr"), Robert Mayors (as "Albie Kline"), Josephine McKim (as "Rhonda Carver"), Charles Mendick (as "Grover Paxton") [Broadway debut], Judy Parrish (as "Frances Hight"), David Paul (as "Lloyd Pedrick"), Gordon Peters (as "Otis Skillman"), Maida Reade (as "Ella Gantz"), Mary Rolfe (as "Jewel Hendricks"), Mary Servoss (as "Blanche Hendricks"), David Wayne (as "Harvey Bodine"). Produced by Robert Rockmore.
- (1940) Stage Play: Suspect. Drama.
- (1946) Stage Play: Swan Song. Written by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. Based on a story by Ramon Romero and Harriet Hinsdale. Scenic Design by Ralph Alswang. Directed by Joseph Pevney. Booth Theatre: 15 May 1946- 28 Sep 1946 (22 performances). Cast: Owen Coll (as "Dr. Corbett"), Michael Dalmatoff (as "Victor Remezoff"), Rand Elliot (as "Oscar Mutzenbauer"), Theo Goetz (as "Stanislaus Kubin"), Jacqueline Horner (as "Vera Novak"), Mary Jones (as "Nurse"), Scott McKay (as "Eric Moore"), Kasia Orzazewski (as "Katya"), Barbara Perry (as "Ruth Trefon"), Arthur Sachs (as "Captain Bartow"), Mary Servoss (as "Stella Hemingway"), Ivan F. Simpson (as "Titogh"), Louis Sorin (as "Gustav Wexler"), Harry Sothern (as "Max Vonzell"), Leni Stengel (as "Sister Agatha"), Marianne Stewart (as "Louise Kubin"), David Yellin (as "Leo Pollard"). Produced by John Clein.
- (1949) Stage Play: Medea. Drama. Written by Euripides. Material adapted by Robinson Jeffers. Directed by Guthrie McClintic. City Center: 2 May 1949- 21 May 1949 (16 performances). Cast: Mary Adams, Judith Anderson (as "Medea"), Henry Brandon, Martha Downs, James Doyle, Bruce Gordon, Theodore Marcuse, James McArdle, Don McHenry, Peter Monsen, Anthony Radecki, Marian Seldes, Mary Servoss (as "First Woman of Corinth") [final Broadway role], Hilda Vaughn. Produced by Guthrie McClintic.
- (September 3, 1935 to October 22, 1935) She played Ada Lester in Jack Kirkland's stage adaptation of Erskine Caldwell's novel, "Tobacco Road," at the Selwyn Theatre in Chicago, Illinois with Donald Barry (Dude Lester); Henry Hull (Jeeter Lester); Pauline Drake (Ellie May); Hallene Hilt (Grandma Lester); Leon Ames (Lov Bensey); Herbert A. Pratt (Henry Penbody); Bonita Des Londes (Sister Bessie Rice); Haila Stoddard (Pearl); Howard Banks (Captain Tim); and Fiske O'Hara (George Payne) in the cast.
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