On February 13, 2005, Sopp debuted in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling without a name (as Billy Gunn is a WWE trademark) at the
TNA Wrestling: Against All Odds (2005) pay-per-view. Shortly thereafter, he started using the name The New Age Outlaw, a reference to the tag team he previously formed with
Brian James in WWE, The New Age Outlaws. However, WWE threatened TNA with legal action if he continued to use the name "The New Age Outlaw", so he shortened his name to "The Outlaw". This apparently was not enough to appease WWE as he was renamed "Kip James" (taking his former partner's last name) at the
TNA Wrestling: No Surrender (2005) pay-per-view on July 17, 2005. Due to the legal issues with WWE, all TNA DVD releases featuring footage with Sopp as "The Outlaw" (and presumably also as "The New Age Outlaw") have had the name on on-screen graphics blurred, the name silenced out of the audio, and match commentary completely replaced to reflect a retroactive name change to "Kip James". One such DVD is the pay-per-view
TNA Wrestling: Lockdown (2005), included in the "TNA Anthology: The Epic Set" box set, in which the silencing of the name during a segment where Dusty Rhodes picks his name from a lottery leaves DVD viewers in the dark as to who just got picked (unless they could read Dusty's lips).