- (December 3, 1964 - May 7, 1965) "Incident at Vichy," original drama, written by Arthur Miller; directed by Harold Clurman; Stanley Beck (portraying Bayard); C. Thomas Blackwell (portraying Police Guard); James Dukas (portraying Second Detective); Pierre Epstein (portraying Prisoner); James Greene (portraying Police Captain); Hal Holbrook (portraying Major); Graham Jarvis (portraying Ferrand); Clint Kimbrough (as Clinton Kimbrough) (portraying Hoffman); Will Lee (portraying Old Jew); Ira Lewis (portraying Boy); Tony Lo Bianco (portraying Prisoner); Paul Mann (portraying Marchand); Stephen Peters (portraying Prisoner); Alek Primrose (portraying First Detective); Harold Scott (portraying Gypsy); David J. Stewart (portraying Monceau); Michael Strong (portraying LeBeau); John Vari (portraying Prisoner); Jack Waltzer (portraying Waiter); David Wayne (portraying Von Berg); and Joseph Wiseman (portraying LeDuc); on Broadway at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA (99 total performances, unknown previews).
- (1961) He acted in Arthur Miller's play, "A View from the Bridge," at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, New Jersey with Shelley Winters and Joseph Campanella in the cast. Milton Katselas was director.
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