On his role as "Urban Mahy" in
Island at War (2004): My father fought in the Second World War. He flew Spitfires in the Navy. I've got a photo of him at the age of 18 sitting in a Spitfire looking very much like I did at that age, so I feel quite emotional about the era. Reading the
Island at War (2004) script was like revisiting England in my father's early years. "Urban" is quite a dreamy character. He seems as though he is quite lost in life. I've often thought of myself in this way, so I found it easy to relate to him. He's a person in search of a role in life, but reassuringly he finally finds himself. He has two gorgeous daughters, whom he is extremely fond of, and tries his utmost to protect them at all times. The film explores the narratives of many different people involved in the occupation of the Channel Islands. It takes an open view from each perspective and isn't stereotypical of the English or the Germans. It lets you imagine what it was like to be part of a war from many different angles.