- "Scott Weiland, the melody man. If you can't sing it, nobody can" - Limp Bizkit singer, Fred Durst.
- "You are only as big as your experiences." - Weiland in Rolling Stone Magazine, 1997.
- "It's a beautiful thing to be that committed to something that you get so much joy from, but it is like a sick addiction, because sometimes it's incredibly volatile, incredibly painful, and very frustrating. A man shouldn't be defined by his work, but I am." -Scott Weiland to "Metal Edge" magazine, 2001.
- [on Stone Temple Pilots being dismissed as a second-rate band that had climbed onto the grunge bandwagon] It was really painful in the beginning because I just assumed that the critics would understand where we were coming from, that these just weren't dumb rock songs.
- Scott was very talented and very hard working. Ironically I remember back in the early days, he would come down on us if we were doing ecstasy and things of that nature as we did heading to the clubs and shows, a lot of nights he would only drink water even when we would bring the party home. He would tell us that he needed to stay healthy and he wanted to be sharp. He knew he was going to make it and he was determined... and [he] made it all right right to the top! We were so proud and amazed that he really did it. He really did exactly what he set out to do, for me it was pretty shocking to hear that he was now involved in a rock-n-roll lifestyle that included drugs, which took him away. He was also dealing with bipolar issues as he got older, one of my very last conversations with him was related to how hard he was struggling with that as well as his son. My heart truly went out to him, Scott had a big heart and he was very loyal to the people he considered his friends. And that's what I will always remember about my friend. - Jacque Parson, friend of Scott's
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