"Three years ago, the Austrian filmmaker Michael Glawogger embarked on a journey from which he did not return. He wanted to make "a film without a name" - it was his life project, a long-cherished dream. Thanks to Mona Willi, the footage he shot up until his death in Liberia has been assembled in his spirit and takes us on an emphatic cinematic journey. It is a journey hardly any one of us would actually undertake, and yet it is gripping and takes us along - from the Balkans and Italy to Africa. Explicitly without a destination and without a plan, committed only to chance. The result is a shimmering, visually powerful portrait of the world with all its human abysses and beauties - without narrative, without evaluation, but always in motion. Michael Glawogger's credo was: "Don't wait, keep going." In UNTITLED, Mona Willi continues that journey - without him and yet with him, while the end remains open."