- (1929) Stage: Directed "Fifty Million Frenchmen" on Broadway (credited as Edgar M. Wooley; earliest Broadsway credit). Musical comedy. Music / lyrics by Cole Porter. Book by Herbert Fields. Musical Director: Gene Salzer. Choreographed by Larry Ceballos. Costume Design by Brooks Costume Co. and James Reynolds. Scenic Design by Norman Bel Geddes. Lyric Theatre: 27 Nov 1929-5 Jul 1930 (254 performances). Cast: Marjorie Arnold, Josephine Barnhardt, Jack Barrett, Jack Bauer, Julia Blake, Frank Bochetta, Betty Bowen, William Broder, Helen Broderick (as "Violet Hildegarde"), California Collegians, Josephine Carroll, Billie Cline, Betty Compton (as "Joyce Wheeler"), Charles Conkling, Melva Cornell, Lester Crawford, William Culloo, Grace Davies, Dorothy Day, Nanette Deaustro, Jean Del Val, Marguarite Denys, Nancy Dolan, Theresa Donahue, Bill Douglas, Tanya Dumova, Valeda Duncan, Mary Dunckley, Lou Duthers, Mildred Espy, Helen Fairweather, Jack Fraley, William Gaxton (as "Peter Forbes"), Regis Geary, Charlotte Geraud, Bob Gordon, Eileen Gorlet, Frances Grant, Thurston Hall (as "Emmett Carroll"), Evelyn Hoey, Annette Hoffman, Larry Jason, Adelaide Kaye, Carol Kingsbury, Manart Kippen (as "The Grand Duke Ivan Ivanovitch of Russia"), Meta Klinke, Betty Knight, Syuleen Krasnoff, Henry Ladd, Fifi Laimbeer, Robert Leonard, Lucille Lester, Teddy Lura, Oscar Magis, Pansy Maness, Jeanette Marion, Ignacio Martinetti, John Matsin, Lou Ann Meredith, Bernice Mershon, Florine Meyers, Bob Morgan, Gertrude Mudge, Frances Newbaker, Nor Norcross, George O'Brien (as "Chorus"), Ethel O'Dell, Patsy O'Keefe, Belle Olska, Bill O'Rourke, Catherine Palmer, Marjorie Phillips, Lorraine Platt, Blanche Poston, Sue Rainey, Ernest Rayburn, Billy Reed, Anna Rex, Marusa Roberti, Sid Salzer, Pearl Shepherd, Frankie Silvers, Billie Smith, Marie Sorel, Helen Splane, Peggee Standlee, Edna Storey, Sam Suchman, Jack Thompson, Marion Thompson, Beau Tilden (as "Chorus"), Genevieve Tobin (as "Looloo Carroll"), Doris Toddings, Jack Tucker, David Tulin, Marie Valli, Arthur Ver Bownes, Mario Villani. Produced by E. Ray Goetz.
- (1939) Stage: Appeared 9as "Sheridan Whiteside") in "The Man Who Came to Dinner" on Broadway. Comedy. Written by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman (also director). Featuring a song by Cole Porter. Press Representative: John Peter Toohey and Ben Kornzweig. Scenic Design by Donald Oenslager. Music Box Theatre: 16 Oct 1939- 12 Jul 1941 (739 performances). Cast: Barbara Adams (as "Mrs. Dexter"), Edith Atwater (as "Maggie Cutler"), David Burns (as "Banjo"), Dudley Clements (as "Dr. Bradley"), Edward Fisher (as "Westcott"), Carol Goodner (as "Lorraine Sheldon"), Virginia Hammond, Michael Harvey (as "Sandy"), John Hoyt (credited as John Hoysradt), Carl Johnson (as "Mr. Baker" / "Radio Technician"), Curtis Karpe (as "Deputy"), Daniel Landon (as "Choir Boy"), Donald Landon (as "Choir Boy"), Daniel Leone (as "Choir Boy"), George Lessey (as "Mr. Stanley"), Gordon Merrick (as "Richard Stanley"), Mrs. Priestly Morrison (as "Sarah"), Theodore Newton (as "Bert Jefferson"), Edmonia Nolley(as "Mrs. McCutcheon"), LeRoi Operti (as "Prof. Metz"), William Postance (as "Plainclothesman" / "Luncheon Guest"), George Probert (as "John"; final Broadway role), DeWitt Purdue (as "Choir Boy"), Robert Rea (as "Choir Boy"), Phil Sheridan (as "Deputy" / "Luncheon Guest"), Rodney Stewart (as "Radio Technician"), Ruth Vivian (as "Harriet Stanley"), Charles Washington, Jack Whitman (as "Choir Boy"), Mary Wickes (as "Miss Preen"), Barbara Wooddell (as "June Stanley"), Harold Woolf (as "Expressman"). Replacement actors: Jean Carmen (as "June Stanley"), Sara Floyd (as "Mrs. McCutcheon"), Muriel Hutchison (as "Lorraine Sheldon"), Jack Leslie (as "Mr. Stanley"), Claudia Morgan (as "Maggie Cutler"), Edmonia Nolley (as "Sarah"), Rex O'Malley (as "Beverly Carlton"), James Rawls (as "Richard Stanley"), Stephen Sandes (as "Westcott"), Barry Sullivan (as "Bert Jefferson"), Lawrence Tibbett (as "Sandy"), Leone Wilson (as "Mrs. Dexter"). Produced by Sam Harris. NOTE: Filmed as The Man Who Came to Dinner (1941).
- (1935) Stage: Dialogue director for "Jubilee" on Broadlway. Musical comedy. Based on material by Moss Hart. Music by Cole Porter. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Directed by Hassard Short. Imperial Theatre: 12 Oct 1935-7 Mar 1936 (169 performances). Cast: Mary Boland, Margaret Adams, Betty Allen, Virginia Allen, Albert Amato, Dorothy Atkins, Bruce Barclay, May Boley, Jeanette Bradley, Charles Brokaw, Donald Brown, Jerry Bruce, Bobby Burns, Wyn Cahoon, Kay Cameron, Leo Chalzel, Montgomery Clift, Helen Cole, Melville Cooper, Tom Curley, Miriam Curtis, Denise Denning, Jack Donaldson, Donald Douglas, Evelyn Eaton, Jack Edwards, Jane Evans, Ted Fetter, Alice Fitzsimmons, Dorothy Forsythe, Dorothy Fox, Jacqueline Franc, Rose Gale, Dorothy Graves, Vernon Hammer, Marion Hammer, Marion Heemsath, Buddy Hertelle, Jay Hunter, Michael James, Joyce Johnson, Janice Joyce, Adele Jergens, Jackie Kelk, James Keogan, Leslie Kingdon, June Knight, Robert Lewis, Richie Ling, Helene Louise, Jules Mann, Philip Mann, Patricia Martin, Jack Millard, John Moore, Mickey Moore, Harry Murray, Frank Nay, Austra Neiman, Mark Plant, David Preston, Victor Pullman, Olive Reeves-Smith, Patricia Roe, Raymond Roe, Wilma Roelof, Sid Salzer, Tanya Sanina, Bob Schultz, Peggy Seel, Grena Sloan, Ralph Sumpter, Vernon Tanner, Rose Tyrrell, Norman Van Emburgh, Elsa Walbridge, Charles Walters, Gil White, Jack Whitney, Castle Williams, Derek Williams, Gilbert Wilson, Janice Winter, Erika Zaranoya. Produced by Sam Harris and Max Gordon.
- (1938) Stage: Appeared (as "His Royal Highness, Albert Edward, Price of Wales") in "Knights of Song" on Broadway. Musical. Book by Glendon Alvine. Based on a story by Allvine and Adele Gutman Nathan. Musical Direction by George Hirste. Orchestrations furnished by Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc. Additional orchestrations by Harold Sanford. Gilbert and Sullivan musical excerpts staged by Avalon Collard. Hollywood Theatre: 17 Oct 1938-29 Oct 1938 (16 performances). Cast: John Adair (as "McManus"), Jay Amiss, Earl Ashcroft, Charles Atkin, Reginald Bach, Victor Beecroft (as "Harris"), Beulah Blake, Freeman Bloodgood, Nigel Bruce (as "William Schwenk Gilbert"), Ralph Bunker (as "Sir Joseph Porter"), Martha Burnett, Angus Cairns, Robert Chisholm, Virginia Cole, Robert Collins, Burr Crandall, Norman Crandall, Shirley Dale, Paul Davin, Shannon Dean, Vera Deane, Annamary Dickey (as "Edith, Pirates of Penzance" / "Pitti-Sing, The Mikado" / "Three Little Maids, The Mikado"; Broadway debut), Mary Dyer, Bruce Evans, Anthony Ferrara, William Foran, Ann Francis, Shirley Gale, Davie Gladstone, Carrie Glenn, Norman Gray, Sally Hadley, Natalie Hall, Edward Hayes, Karl Holly, Mary Hoppel, Rosalind Ivan, Myrtis Jackson, Dorothy Johnson, Lois Kirk, Earle MacVeigh, Emily Marsh, John Moore, Henry Mowbray (as "His Grace, The Archbishop of Canterbury"), Sandra Nova, Winston O'Keefe (as "George Bernard Shaw"), Remington Olmstead, Eva Paul, Molly Pearson, Orlo Rexford, Martha Roberts, Leonard Rocky, Edward Ryan Jr., David Showalter, Laurence Siegel, Lawrence Siegle, Betty Sparks, George Vaughan, Gladstone Waldrip, Ruth Wenton, Everett West, Rex Williams. Produced by Laurence Schwab.
- (1933) Stage Play: Champagne, Sec. Musical/operetta. Book by Alan Child. Music by Johann Strauss. Lyrics by Robert A. Simon. From "Die Fledermaus" by Johann Strauß. Musical Director: Rudolph Thomas. From "Die Fledermaus" by Carl Haffner and 'Richard Genee' (qw). Based on a French play by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy. From a German story by Roderich Benedix. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Directed by Monty Woolley. Morosco Theatre (moved to The Shubert Theatre from 30 Oct 1933- Nov 1933 then moved to The 44th Street Theatre from 30 Nov 1933- close): 14 Oct 1933- 20 Jan 1934 (113 performances). Cast: John Barclay, Kitty Carlisle (as "Prince Orlofsky"), Carol Chandler, Glenn Darwin, Nina Dean, Gudrun Ekelund, Don English, Helen Ford, Paul Haakon, John E. Hazzard, Olive Jones, Ronald Jones, Wilfried Klamroth, Joseph Macaulay, Alan M. MacCracken, William J. McCarthy, George Meader (as "Von Einstein"), Samuel Mendel, Claire Miller, Bruce Norman, Pierce O'Hearn, Betty Quay, David Rogers, Eleanor Tennis, John Thomas, George Trabert, Nellilew Winger, Peggy Wood. Produced by Dwight Wiman and Lawrence Langner. Produced in association with The Westport Country Playhouse.
- (1931) Stage: Directed "America's Sweetheart" on Broadway. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Robert Russell Bennett. Musical Director: Alfred Goodman. Choreographed / Production Supervised by Bobby Connolly. Broadhurst Theatre: 10 Feb 1931-6 Jun 1931 (135 performances). Cast: Jeanne Aubert, Virginia Bruce (as "Miss Mulligan"), Alice Burrage (as "Telephone Operator"), Terry Carroll, Bud Clark, Inez Courtney (as "Madge Farrell"), Dorothy Dare (as "Dorith"), Raoul De Tisne, Al Downing, Jay Ford, Charles Fowler, Herbert Hall, Ann Sothern (credited as Harriett Lake), Francetta Malloy, Vera Marsh, Sue Moore, Fred Shawhan, John Sheehan (as "S.A. Dolan"), Gus Shy, O.J. Vanasse, Jack Whiting. Produced by Laurence Schwab and Frank Mandel.
- (1936) Stage: Appeared (as "Sergei Alexandrovich") in "On Your Toes" on Broadway. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Richard Rodgers, George Abbott and Lorenz Hart. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Directed by Worthington Miner. Imperial Theatre (moved to The Majestic Theatre from 9 Nov 1936 to close): 11 Apr 1936-23 Jan 1937 (315 performances). Cast: Ray Bolger (as "Phil Dolan III" / "Hoofer" / ""Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" Ballet), Doris Carson, Luella Gear (as "Peggy Porterfield"), Tamara Geva (as "Vera Barnova" / "Princess Zenobia" / "Princess Zenobia Ballet" / "Strip Tease Girl" / "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" Ballet), William Baker, Libby Bennett, May Block, Edward Brinkman, William Broder, Jill Christie, George Church, Fred Danieli, Nick Dennis (as "Thug"), Dorothy Denton, Henry Dick, Enes Earley, Eleanor Fiata, Marjorie Fisher, Robert H. Forsythe, Gloria Franklin, Basil Galahoff, Dorothy Hall, Ethel Hampton, Harold Haskins, Dave Jones, Grace Kaye, Tyrone Kearney, Joan Keenan, Isabelle Kimpal, Betty Lee, Bob Long, Gertrude Magee, Russ Milton, Julian Mitchell, Marie Monnig, David Morris, Frances Nevins, Mae Noble, Harry Peterson, Jack Quinn, Carole Renwick, Patsy Schenck, Ursula Seiler, Robert Sidney, Betty Jane Smith, Guy Stanion, Drucilla Strain, Valery Streshnev, Dorothy Thomas, Beau Tilden (as "Call Boy" / "Thug" / "Gentleman of the Ensemble"), Demetrios Vilan, William Wadsworth, Davenie Watson, Amy Weber, Alma Wertley, George Young. Produced by Dwight Wiman. NOTE: Filmed as On Your Toes (1939).
- (1930) Stage: Directed "The New Yorkers" on Broadway. Music / lyrics by Cole Porter. Material by Herbert Fields. Based on a Story by E. Ray Goetz and Peter Arno. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Musical Director: Al Goodman. Choreographed by George Hale. B.S. Moss' Broadway Theatre: 8 Dec 1930-2 May 1931 (168 performances). Cast: Iris Adrian (as "Dancing Girl"), Charles Angelo, Marjorie Arnold, Al Atkins, Scott F. Bates, Betty Bowen, Chester Bree, Meta Brewster, Donald Bryan, Fred C. Buck Jr., Lillian Burke, Marie Cahill, Helene Cambridge, Fred C. Campbell, Marian Carew, Josephine Carroll, Martha Carroll, Mary Carroll, Alvina Carson, Stuart Churchill, Lew Clayton, Elton C. Cockerill, Charles Conkling, Melva Cornell, Kathryn Crawford, George A. Culley, Billy Culloo, Vincent Curran, Inez de Plessis, Harry Donnelly, Bill Drewes, Herman Drewes, Jimmy Durante (as "Jimmie Deegan"), Frank Ericson, Mildred Espey, Harriet Fink, Francis Foster, Stella Friend, James J. Gilliland, Ralph Glover, Eileen Gorlet, Clare Hanlon, Stanley Harrison, Larry Hart Clayton, Charles E. Henderson, Arthur Horn, Frank W. Hower, Paul Huber, Eddie Jackson, Adele Kay, Nelson A. Keller, Charles King, Betty Knight, Hilda Knight, Don Knoblock, Maurice Lapue (as "Alfredo Gomez;" role eliminated after opening night), Larry Larkin, Evelyn Laurie, Ethel Lawrence, James Libbey, Nat London, Mickey MacKillop, Pansy Manness, Janet Marion, James R. McClintock, Donald McGinnis, Lou Ann Meredith, Marcelle Miller, Norman Moran, Will Morgan, Marion Nevans, Barrie Oliver, Ida Pearson, Ann Pennington, Blanche Poston, Oscar Ragland (as "Mildew"), Muriel Reed, Joseph Rogers, Jack Roth, Evelyn Saether, Blanche Satchell, D. Wade Schlegel, June Shafer, Irving Sherman, Barbara Smith, Paul Sterrett, Norma Taylor, Will I. Townsend, Jack Tucker, Eileen Wenzel, Frances Williams, Hope Williams, Buddy York, Tammany Young (as "Feet McGeehan"). Replacement actors: Richard Carle (as "Dr. Windham Wentworth"), Owen Coll (as "An Interne/Dr. Cortlandt Jenks") [Broadway debut], Elisabeth Welch. Produced by E. Ray Goetz.
- (1950-51) Radio: Starred in "The Magnificent Montague" (NBC Radio).
- (1943) Appeare as a character d in a Look Magazine Mystery Story written by Alfred Hitchcock, "The Murder of Monty Woolley", reprinted in Games Magazine in November/December 1980.
- (1930) Stage: Co-directed (w/Dave Gould, Dwight Wiman) ""Second Little Show" on Broadway. Musical revue. Music by Arthur Schwartz. Based on material by Dwight Wiman. Lyrics by Howard Dietz. Royale Theatre: 2 Sep 1930-Oct 1930 (closing date unknown/63 performances). Cast: Yukona Cameron, Jay C. Flippen, Gloria Grafton, Helen Gray, Kay Hamill, Gus Hyland, Davey Jones, Kay Lazelle, Jack Mason, Eleanor Moffett, Joey Ray, Tashamira, Ruth Tester, Al Trahan, Dorothy Waller, Ned Wever. Produced by William A. Brady and Dwight Wiman. Produced in association with Tom Weatherly.
- (4/5/44) Radio: Appeared on "Orson Welles' Almanac".
- (February 1, 1937) He acted in Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart's musical, "On Your Toes," at the Hanna Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio with Ray Bolger in the cast.
- (December 19-26, 1949) He played Sheridan Whiteside in George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart's play, "The Man Who Came to Dinner," at the Hanna Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio with Mabel Acker; Mardette Edwards; Ken Raymond; Elaine Bradford; Charles Parsons; Paula Stevens; Richard Barbee; Jay Presson; Harvey Dunn; Ruth Hermansen; Don Peters; John Michaels; John Davis; Jack Wallace; David Ellin; Carl Judd; Gloria McGhee; William Campbell; Rex O'Malley; Arthur Tell; David Vivian; Jerry Jarrett; Tim Fielding; Al Dexter; and Tommy Vize in the cast. Edward Gilbert was set designer. Bianca Stroock was costume designer. William McFadden was director. Max Gordon was producer.
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