- The white streak in his hair appeared when he was four years old. He had been helping a neighbor paint, and his mother thought he had gotten paint in his hair.
- The song "Somewhere in the Night," which appeared in the Quantum Leap (1989) episode Piano Man - November 10, 1985 (1991), was sung by Bakula and can be found in a CD single format.
- Last name means flower.
- His daughter, Chelsy Bakula, appeared in the Quantum Leap (1989) episode Memphis Melody - July 3, 1954 (1993).
- Children: Chelsy Bakula (born 1984) and Cody Bakula (born 1991 - adopted), with Kristin Newman; and Wil (born 1995) and Owen (born 1999), with Chelsea Field.
- He was awarded a star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame for Acting/Entertainment at 6148 Delmar Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri.
- Appears as Captain Jonathan Archer on a silver dollar coin issued by Tuvalu on 3 November 2015, one in a two-coin set celebrating the series Star Trek: Enterprise (2001).
- The only actor to have two roles included in TV Guide's "25 Legends of Sci-Fi." One entry noted the character of Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap (1989), while the other entry noted all of the captains from the various Star Trek series, which would of course include his role of Jonathan Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise (2001).
- Ran the Los Angeles Marathon on March 6, 2005, in 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 41 seconds.
- His last name is pronounced "back-you-LUH".
- Has been directed by James Whitmore Jr. in episodes of four different series: Quantum Leap (1989), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1996), Star Trek: Enterprise (2001), and NCIS (2003).
- Appeared on the cover of the March 1995 issue of Playgirl magazine. In the interview inside, illustrated with several photos of Scott baring his hairy chest, he stated that he would not have a problem doing a nude scene in a movie.
- His 1988 Tony Award nomination was as Best Actor (Musical) for "Romance/Romance," written by Barry Harman. The winner in that category that year was Michael Crawford for "Phantom of the Opera." Scott was not the producers' first choice for the role but was chosen after Armand Assante turned it down. When Scott left "Romance/Romance" to do Quantum Leap (1989), he was replaced by Barry Williams for the remainder of the show's Broadway run.
- Is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity while attending the University of Kansas.
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