W.H. Auden(1907-1973)
- Writer
- Additional Crew
- Actor
Author, poet and composer, educated at Oxford University, and a US
citizen in 1946. He co-authored the verse plays: "The Dog Beneath the
Skin", "The Ascent of F6", and "On the Frontier". His poetry volumes
include: "Double Man". "The Shield of Achilles" (National Book Award),
"For the Time Being"' "Collected Shorter Poems", and "The Age of
Anxiety" (Pulitzer Prize, 1948). He authored "Spain", and co-authored
"Education, Today and Tomorrow", plus he co-edited "Poet's Tongue". His
awards include Bollingen, Alexander Droutsky, and Guinness. He joined
ASCAP in 1958, and collaborated musically with Igor Stravinsky. His
musical works include "On This Island" (poems set to music), and the
opera "The Rakes Progress".