Emilio Baldanello(1902-1952)
- Actor
Son of co-owner and director of the Teatro Malibran in Venice - Giuseppe Baldanello - and actress Dora Prosdocimi - who assumed the name of Dora Baldanello - began acting in theater in 1922, after leaving the giurisprodenza studies, with the Albertina company Bianchini directed by Albano Mezzetti. He takes a quantum leap forward entering, as a comic actor dialect, in 1923 when he joined the prestigious Gianfranco Giachetti company.
In 1936 he joined the Society of live theater in Venice in 1939 by Guglielmo Zorzi and form his own company with Gino Cavalieri. He also operates in Cinema, where his debut in 1932 with the feature film "La cantante dell'opera" by Malasomma Nunzio, except in a movie, "Trent'anni di servizio" of Mario Baffico, shot during R.S.I. and distributed briefly in 1945 - has never had prominent roles, being used as a character actor in roles that often brought to light his acting Venetian dialect features.
He also started writing plays ("Zogando a tresete") always in the Venetian dialect.
Husband of Wanda Vianello - who was also known as Vanda Baldanello - was the father of the director Gianfranco Baldanello and supervisor Maria Grazia Baldanello secretary.