- Don't go to them, do not go to movies in which there are animals, because if you do, you are subsidizing animal cruelty.
- I'm a vegetarian - I think there's a strong possibility, had I not become a vegetarian, I would not be working now. I became a vegetarian about 25 years ago, and I did it out of concern for animals. But I immediately began having more energy and feeling better.
- You cannot accept that . . . when you see animals in pictures, you are putting them at risk.
- [about his decision to stop coloring his hair during the 1987-1988 season] The producers and executives at CBS were very hesitant about it initially, but I knew that a change had to be made. Once my hair was starting to look more red and yellow than brown, I knew that the days of getting my hair to have its natural color were long gone and it was time to face the facts that I was getting older. Though it surprised and shocked fans initially when I let my hair go gray, they stuck behind me and the show stayed strong.
- [about how he would do if he was a contestant instead of the host on The Price is Right (1972)] I don't do my own shopping, my housekeeper does that for me, so I'd be doomed if I was a contestant on the show.
- [about when he will retire from The Price is Right (1972)] I don't know what else I would do. I don't have a family to look after and my wife [Dorothy Jo] has passed on to a better place. I love my job, as long as I enjoy coming to work everyday and have a bounce in my step, I'll keep doing it.
- [when he wasn't familiar with Drew Carey's performances for his choosing as his own replacement on The Price is Right (1972) in 2007]: I understand he ad-libs very well and that he has a very nice, friendly way of working, and I think both of those would be helpful to him on 'The Price Is Right.'
- On the birth of the 1,200-ton anti-whaling ship, The Bob Barker: Paul Watson said he thought he could put the Japanese whaling fleet out of business if he had $5 million. I said, 'I think you do have the skills to do that, and I have $5 million, so let's get it on,' so that's what we did.
- I can tell you that I'd rather be kissed by my dogs than by some people I've known.
- [on 'The Price is Right' offering a trip to the Calgary Stampede as a prize] If I had been there, it would never in the world have happened. This Calgary Stampede is just an egregious example of inhumane treatment for animals. To give that prize away, I think, is disgusting.
- [When Drew Carey would do The Price is Right (1972) at Barker's blessing]: Drew has done exactly what I would advise any young host to do, which is to not worry about how it was done before. You've got to go out there and do the show the way you want to do it. It's your show.
- [Of Bill Todman]: He was a delightful man. He personified a man you might aspire to be: a gentleman, personable, successful, handsome and very intelligent. He had the attributes to sell you anything, and the intelligence to sell it beautifully. On one of my first days there, we chatted alone. His kindness and flattering remarks, that he'd admired my work [as host of Truth or Consequences] made me feel very comfortable, very much at home.
- [Who fondly remembers him in that one scene of Happy Gilmore (1996)]: People love that movie, the young men particularly. I never taped a Price is Right after the movie release that the audience didn't want to, during commercials, talk about Happy Gilmore. They loved it. They asked me all sorts of things. The young men would ask me, 'In real life, could you really whip Adam Sandler?' I would tell them, 'Are you kidding? Adam Sandler couldn't whip Regis Philbin.' I'm in fighting frame, fit to fight. Adam has been abusing his body.
- [Who defended actress Mia Farrow who tweeted on the Lion Killer Address on Twitter]: Well, if by publicizing his address they can make him miserable, I say publicize that address. Because this man deserves to be made miserable for years to come
- [Who clarified about his fall]: I started to fall forward, and I didn't want to land on the cement so I twisted and landed right over here but my head was on the cement and so I cut my head all up and cut my knee and scraped it.
- [When he threw several punches on The Bold and the Beautiful (1987)]: I thought it was a wonderful idea because Happy Gilmore is still playing on television frequently and everybody loved that fight scene.
- [Who announced on his 90th Birthday on The Price is Right (1972)]: Thrill of accomplishment, after 35 years to finally, be able to say, 'Come on Down.' You know, wherever I go, people on the street will say, 'Hey, Bob, Come on Down!'
- Alex (Trebek) personifies the saying know what your show is and own it. He knows Jeopardy! is a serious quiz show and he hosts it in that manner. Cut from the same mold as Allen Ludden, keep the nonsense to a minimum and hold the show to a high standard of class.
- Richard (Dawson) hated being called a game show host. He saw himself as an actor, comedian, an all around entertainer. As Family Feud gained popularity, he started adding more talk show like elements, which the producers hated and some of our fellow colleagues in the business thought was poor form. Richard didn't care and kept doing that. Since the ratings initially were good, he got away with it. However, once they started slipping, the network forced his hand, telling him less jokes, more game. He hated being told what to do, so his effort and attitude in hosting the show dropped and it soon suffered and was cancelled. I think he saw (Family) Feud as a stepping stone to a gig like Johnny Carson, and unfortunately that never panned out. Even with his success, I think he saw his career as somewhat of a disappointment because of that.
- Richard (Dawson), or as his close friends would call him "Dickie", was one of my closest friends in the business. We lunched frequently, went out for drinks frequently. I remember when he told me he got the Family Feud job, I tried to give him advice that he would have to tone down his behavior from how he was on Match Game. He told me, "Bob, I'm not you, I'm not Charlie Charming." He found his own way to host that show, and found tremendous success in the process. One of the rare talents in the business. A sharp mind and a quick wit. I miss him everyday.
- A true gentleman to work for. A wonderful boss. A visionary. The man pretty much invented the game show genre. One of the true pioneers of television.
- [who said Canada shouldn't be the place for elephants]: I don't think there should be elephants in Canada. I love Canada and I love Canadians, but it's not the place for elephants and I think it's becoming obvious to the people up there
- [About The 50th Anniversary of The Price is Right (1972), on which he does not participate in the show, but was the heart and soul of the show for more than 1/2 of its run]: The show has the most enthusiastic and fun audience that one could ever ask for. They truly were and are the heart and soul of the show .... It was an incredibly memorable ride. Congratulations to The Price is Right on 50 historic years. Here's to 50 more!
- From the bottom of my heart, I thank the television viewers, because they have made it possible for me to earn a living for 50 years doing something that I thoroughly enjoy. They have invited me into their homes daily for a half a century.
- [on his 25th Anniversary of hosting The Price is Right (1972)]: It's difficult to put a finger on what makes 'Price Is Right' work, and I swear to you, no one in their wildest dreams would have said back when we started that it would last for 25 years.
- We didn't solve the world's problems, but we hopefully helped you to forget your problems for just a while.
- I had to thank these people for watching or else I would have had to have worked for a living!
- [While having gray hair, in an attempt to color it back to his other color]: When I came home the people on the show said, 'You look better this way than you do with it dyed or tinted. Why don't you leave it this way?'
- It never entered my mind I would do anything longer. It never entered my mind I would even live longer.
- [on turning 90]: We drank a series of margaritas and rehashed the old days. They had a birthday cake for me, a huge cake, and I made a wish. Of course, I can't share it with you because then I wouldn't get it, but I blew out all the candles. There was wild applause. Margaritas are right for anything ,90th birthdays or anything else.
- [2006, on choosing to retire from "The Price is Right] I'm just reaching the age where the constant effort to be there and do the show physically is a lot for me. I might be able to do the show another year, but better (to leave) a year too soon than a year too late.
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