Dick Bennard(1874-1941)
- Actor
Dick Bennard worked as a juggler and acrobat in traveling circuses; as a comedian and actor on the vaudeville stage; as an actor in silent films produced in Ithaca, New York; as a makeup man for Paramount Pictures, and as the manager of the Manhattan Theater in Ithaca before settling down as a barber in the town of Kingston, New York. A native of Germany, he emigrated to Albany, New York as a child, served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War, and worked as an entertainer for over twenty years. He was active in the life of Kingston, being a member of the Elks, the Masons and the American Legion. He also put on a number of amateur theatricals, and was best known for his skill as a baton twirler--serving as the drum major in parades--as well as his stories of life on the road.