Victoria Blanco(I)
- Actress
Stage name: Victoria Blanco
Real name: Victoria Wallace Guerra
Year of birth: 1916
Year of death: March 01, 2007
Nationality: Peruvian-Mexican.
Place of origin: Lima Peru
Marital status: married to Fco. Alberto Domínguez, and Ramon Flores.
Specialty: actress.
Character types: young lady.
Some movies he worked on:
1.-The woman of the port 1934
2.-The treasure of Pancho Villa 1935
3.-Irma the bad 1936
4.-The bandits of Rio Frio 1938
5.-The ghost of midnight 1940
1.-Victoria was born in Lima Peru in 1916 daughter of the marriage formed by Alfred William Wallace and Maria Victoria Guerra Cueto ....... Sister of Rodolfo, Enrique, Noemí, Iris,
2.-Always in her childhood she was surrounded by the middle of the show because her family was linked to circus shows
3.-Together with his brothers, he acted, danced and sang at the town fairs, developing a taste for show business.
4.-Looking for better opportunities they enter Mexico and stay here Victoria due to her beauty and her tables as an actress enters the Mexican cinema beginning in the film La Llorona in 1933 later, better roles would come even starring alongside the fashionable gallants in that time as Juan Jose Martinez Casado, René Cardona, Ramón Pereda and Victor Manuel Mendoza.
5.-His brothers also carried out important work in Mexican cinema, his brother Enrique Wallace cinematographer and Noemí Wallace, a great makeup artist for stars of the time such as Dolores Del Rios, Maria Felix etc. (Enrique married the sister of the actress Josefina Escobedo and Iris with the actor Carlos L. Cabello).
6.-When she married Mr. Ramon Flores, she abandoned her film career to dedicate herself to her home and children, she had Victoria Domínguez from her first marriage, and Ramón, Ricardo, Alfredo, Carlos and Gloria Flores Wallace.
7.-Away from the film spotlights, Mrs. Victoria Blanco dies at the age of 90.