Bruce Paul Abbott; Denis Arndt; Laurence Ballard; Todd Barton; Virginia Bingham; John A. Caldwell; Ruth Cox; Michael Day; Joseph De Salvio "Joe Vincent;" Shirley Douglass Patton; James Edmondson; William Ferriter; Keith Grant; Mark Grover; Sands Hall; Warren Hansen; Mark Harelik; Christine Healy; Will Huddleston; Jo Ann Johnson Patton; Jerry Jones; Marilyn Jones; Philip L. Jones; Bob Kallus; Dan Kremer; Roberta Levitow; Brian Lynner; Martin Mackey; David Marston; Sue Marston; Dolores Y. Mitchell; Daniel Moore; William Moreing; Barry Mulholland; Brian Mulholland; David Kent Nale; Allen Nause; Gayle Stuwe Neuman; Phil Neuman; Judd Parkin; Kristin Anne Patton; Rex Rabold; Mack Ramsey; Jon Rome; Richard Ross; Jean Smart; Brad Smith; Jane Stevens-Jones; Charles Taber; Brian Thompson; Gordon Townsend; John Warren Tyson; Leslie Walters; Mark Wardenburg; Bruce Williams; Cal Winn; Ronald Edmundson Woods; Kathleen Worley; Mary Young Turner and he were performers at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.