Ed Cambridge(1920-2001)
- Actor
- Director
Edmund J. Cambridge is the Founding Member of the Legendary "Cambridge Players" a Theater Troupe that First Produce James Baldwin's "The Amen Corner" on Broadway in 1965 which was produced by Nat King Cole Wife "Maria Ellington". The founding members of The Cambridge Players are Juanita Moore, Helen Martin, Esther Rolle, Helen Martin, Royce Wallace and Supporting Members Isabel Sanford, Beah Richards and Maya Angelou whom were Edward Cambridge Childhood friends. Juanita Moore whom were close friends with Marlon Brando and James Baldwin spoke to Marlon Brando about Lending the funds ($75) to Mr. James Baldwin to write "The Amen Corner". Kirk E. Kelleykahn is Now CEO-President of the Legendary Troupe with J.W. Nutting as Vice-President and Original Founding Member "Lynn Hamilton" as Artistic Director.