Fu Ding Cheng
- Writer
- Director
- Production Designer
Fu-Ding Cheng's career began as a practicing architect and painter.
Sincethen he has written, directed and/or produced fifteen films
ranging from documentaries to mystical adventure stories. His
prize-winning series of allegorical tales have been shown under the
title of "Zen-Tales for the Urban Explorer." They have been inspired by
his long-term involvement with spiritual and shamanic practices which
are the source of the rich, magical worlds that fill his films.His most
recent film "The Winged Cage" won a gold prize at the Houston
International Film Festival. He is now launching a feature film "A Time
of Miracles" about a man who falls in love with a woman from another
time dimension. It is based on his direct experiences derived from
shamanic power journeys conducted in Mexico and the United