Joe Cook(II)
- Actor
Joe Cook, born in Germany, was always a fanatic movie goer. He dreamt what it would have been like to work with, or even meet the great stars like Clint Eastwood, Sean Connery and Humphrey Bogart. So he met his first real movie star in 1989 when Jean Claude Van Damme came to visit Germany. They instantly became pals. He finally met one of his biggest hero's. Joe thought he was dreaming when Jean Claude actually told him to look him up if he came to Los Angeles.
Three years later he actually visited Jean Claude in Los Angeles, and as a surprise he presented him with a script that he had written for Jean Claude, a pirate action adventure story. He spent almost five years in his dream town, taking acting classes side on side with Bond girl Denise Richards by day and bouncing at night in first class clubs, where he met the rich and famous, and made many contacts to the film world.
He was lucky enough to work in Wolfgang Peterson, "In the line of fire". Although his role was small and eventually ended up on the cutting room floor, he met many important people. Joe, who lives part time in Los Angeles co-starred and starred in several movies over the years, like- "Legion of the Dead', "Finding Interest", the science fiction action movie "Digital Man", "Executive Decision" with Steven Seagal & Kurt Russel, "Half Past Dead" and "Beyond the Limits".
In 2016 Joe appeared in an episode of Germanys Top Action TV Show - Alarm Cobra 11. In 2024 Joe signed with a new Agent in Los Angeles and appeared in several German Films such as "Das Pitch Paradoxon", CSC25 Cyber Crime and in Germany's (SAT1) TV series "Notruf" as Dirk Faber, a busy business man trying to deal with the every day problems with his elderly mother.