- If you were not looking young and powerful, you went directly to the gas chamber. (...) Ten times this way, one time that way. Ten times to the gas chamber, one time to work. [1999]
- Day after day, thousands were dying, butchered and gassed, and we were doing the work. How can you find peace of mind? Inside of us now there is somebody else. [1999]
- All of a sudden an order came from Berlin to stop the killing. No more transports. (...) The Germans were blowing up everything in sight, and especially the crematories, trying to erase any evidence. [1999]
- They used to change the Sonderkommandos every six months because we knew how the final solution was done. [1999]
- We told them [2 Greek friends] they were going to die. We told them where to go to die fast, where the gas was coming down. [1999]
- I have inside some stuff I can never tell. I saw so many things. Even now, I like to cry to get it out of my system. But it doesn't go out. [2015]
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