Harry Anderson; Neville L. Archambault; Denis Arndt; Powers Boothe; Jeffrey Brooks; Franklin Brown; Elizabeth Megan Cole; Michael Cox; Stephen Crenshaw; Timothy D'Arcy; Evan Davidson; Philip Davidson; Joseph De Salvio "Joe Vincent;" Dan Desmond; Shirley Douglass Patton; Le Clanche Du Rand; Michael Eagan; James Edmondson; William Evans; Carolyn Gillespie; Alex Gillis; Lynette Godsey; Jo Goff; Douglas Hadley; James Harbour; Harlin Hokin; Glenn Holland; Will Huddleston; Arnold Hummasti; Dan Johnson; Sherril Kannasto; Michael Kevin (Garry Moore); Jason Lee; Aldena Leonard; Richard Leonard; Sandy Lynch; Margit Moe; Laurie Monahan; Emily Moses; Mark Murphey; Paul Myrvold; Sylvia Myrvold; David Kent Nale; Kristin Anne Patton; Pat Patton; Richard Riehle; Neil Savage; Karen Seal; Peter Silbert; Ernie Stewart; Denene Von Glan; Laird Williamson; Cal Winn; Michael Winters; Mary Young Turner and he were performers at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.