- Hosted a "Popeye the Sailor Man" cartoon show on KTLA 5 in Los Angeles, from the 1950s through the early 1980s. He prefaced each cartoon with some trivia, and read mail sent to him by children who watched the show. Moreover, from the 70s through the mid-1990s, Hatten hosted a "Family Film Festival" (also on KTLA 5) where he prefaced various movies with trivia and occasional interviews with cast/crew members from that picture. Early in its run, "Family Film Festival" used as instrumental theme music the Little River Band's hit "Reminiscing." Hatten acknowledges that said song was used without permission from the group, as copyright-laws back then were relatively meager.
- He was a great and quick cartoonist and used to draw cartoon-figures on a placard displayed for all the viewers to see; he would take requests from them.
- He graduated from the Pasadena Playhouse School for Performing Arts in Pasadena, California.
- Entertainment Editor at KNX radio in Los Angeles. (March 2003)
- At the time of his death he was survived by his longtime partner, Pete Menifee, as well as several nieces and nephews.
- He hosts a movie screening show on Los Angeles City Cable network channel #35. (June 2005)
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